Emerging Leader Award
The OASGW Emerging Leaders Program was designed to provide graduate counseling students
and new professionals early in their careers with cultivating experiences that support leadership
skill and competency development, and diverse opportunities to actively participate in OASGW
Executive Board meetings, serve on a committee, task force, and/or engage in projects of
interest, receive mentorship, build professional networks, and gain exposure to the
responsibilities associated with fulfilling elected leadership positions.
Two graduate counseling students (master’s or doctoral) and one new professional early in her or
his career will be selected as Emerging Leaders to provide a minimum of 25 hours of service to
the OASGW during the year-long term (July to July). Recipients must be both an OCA
and an OASGW member at the time of application submission, and your status (i.e., master,
doctoral, or new professional) should be based on your student/graduation status as of January 1 of the year you apply. New professionals must have graduated within the previous year to qualify for the
Applicants who have exhibited exceptional leadership potential, and that hold a willingness to
serve OASGW in a variety of roles for the betterment of the counseling group profession and the
consumers of counseling services are sought.
Application Requirements
Applications now open for the 2024 - 2025 Emerging Leaders cohort!
Interested applicants should submit the application to oasgw1@gmail.com by June 1, 2024.
OASGW Emerging Leaders Application
Full Name:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Are you a current OCA and OASGW member? Yes / No
Please specify which Emerging Leadership Program you are applying for: (Master’s student,
Doctoral Student, or New Professional). Please note you should complete the form based on your graduation status as of January 1 of the year you're applying (e.g., If you graduate with a doctoral degree in January, you would indicate you are a new professional, not a doctoral student).
If you are applying for the Master’s or Doctoral Emerging Leader, please indicate your university and program area of study.
Master’s or Doctoral Degree:
Program area of study:
If you are applying for the New Professional Emerging Leader, please indicate your university or
agency affiliation and job title.
University or Agency Affiliation:
Job Title:
Please describe in 750 words or less how the OASGW Emerging Leaders Program will assist
you in achieving your professional and leadership goals. Be sure to include specific interest
areas within OASGW where you would like to gain experience, your interest in group work, and
any past leadership experiences that may inform your ability to serve as an OASGW Emerging
Curriculum Vitae
Two professional references
Still have questions? Get in touch and we’ll be happy to answer them as soon as possible.
Past Emerging Leaders
Emerging Leader Program
Kelly Smith            2023-2024
Jessi Budyka           2023-2024
Maddie Blyer           2022-2023
Kristin Curran          2022-2023
Kübra Civan           2022-2023
Nathanael Bloss        2020-2021
Hayle Fisher           2020-2021
Deanna Revels         2019-2020 Â
Charles Roberts        2019-2020Â
Lauren Butler          2019-2020Â
Amanda Shuluga       2018-2019
Elizabeth Breyley       2017-2018Â
Yiannoula Mavroidis    2016-2017
Stephanie Johnson     2015-2016

Most Influential OASGW Experience:
Being mentored by the leaders of Group work in Ohio who were serving as the OASGW Executive Board. The mentorship and unique networking experiences. with OCA executive board were opportunities I wouldn’t have had direct access to in that capacity had I not been awarded the Emerging Leader Opportunity. These unique leadership experiences have influenced my professional development, counselor identity and skills as group work counselor.
Where I Am Now:
OASGW President 2021, LPCC therapist working toward my supervision endorsement. Currently, I work as an IOP Coordinator at a private practice in North East Ohio.
Group Work Tip:
Actively reorient your group to the rules to help reinforce group expectations and assist them in meeting there treatments goals.
Yiannoula Mavroidis 2016-2017
Most Influential OASGW Experience:
Being involved in creating and delivering a group centered workshop.
Where I Am Now:
Private Practice
Group Work Tip:
Open groups with a check in to center members to the present moment, and close with a check out to help form transitions from group.
Elizabeth Breyley 2017-2018
Most Influential OASGW Experience:
Presenting at the All Ohio Counselor's Conference with Staci Tessmer and Hayle Fisher.
Where I Am Now:
Cleveland Clinic
Group Work Tip:
Remember to be yourself, and remain genuine.
Lauren Butler 2018-2019
Most Influential OASGW Experience:
I got the opportunity to present at a workshop, which looked good on my resume when applying for doctoral programs.
Where I Am Now:
Currently, I am working as an LPC full-time. I will be going to part-time counseling later this year due to going back to Kent State University in fall 2021 for the Counselor Education and Supervision doctoral program.
Group Work Tip:
​Be willing to compromise with group members within reason as long as they respect the overall rules/boundaries of the group.